Trading in my TX license

It was a sad day at the DMC when I had my eyes tested and handed in my TX license to replace it with one from NY state…

The system could easily by compared to French bureaucracy – and I'll probably be murdered for saying this – and it might even be a little bit worse organised.

My only saving grace was that through sheer miscomprehension of the system, I skipped the queue (line for the locals) and ended up in front of all those who had been waiting outside with me for the last 45 minutes – my apologies fellow New Yorkers.

So $45 and 45 minutes (inside time) later I am one TX license down, and one shabby temporary NY license up.

Goodbye Texas The Lone Star State

By Lex Bradshaw-Zanger

A digital native and integrated brand marketer with a passion for marketing-communications and product design, Lex has a truly international outlook and experience, having worked both in major marketing agencies and client-side brands across Europe, the US and the Middle East.

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