Jetset & the International Lifestyle – Blessing or Burden?

My life, and career, to date have given me the opportunity to live, study and work in a number of different countries – specifically, but not necessarily in this order: France, Spain, UK, Croatia (briefly) and USA. This has meant that I have a large number of international colleagues, ex-colleagues and friends – I think…… Continue reading Jetset & the International Lifestyle – Blessing or Burden?

Categorized as Travel

From my old blog to a new one

After struggling for a while with various different blogs and not really knowing how to make them all work together – or for that matter to find a particular direction – I have now decided to focus purely on Anglo Abroad and to abandon the various other sites.I have therefore imported the relevant posts from…… Continue reading From my old blog to a new one

Itchy Feet

Itchy feet is a beautiful English term – I'm not entirely sure that it has made it into American usage – but it so neatly encompasses the feeling that I tend to get every 6 to 10 months.A while back, I wrote a post about Choosing a City which is worth me re-reading quickly before…… Continue reading Itchy Feet

Choosing a city…

With my little European jaunt underway, I stopped to think this morning about how one should choose a city to live in; it’s clear that not everyone has the luxury of dreaming a city and saying "I want to move there" but there are times (I've had a couple) when you need to decide where…… Continue reading Choosing a city…

Trading in my TX license

It was a sad day at the DMC when I had my eyes tested and handed in my TX license to replace it with one from NY state…The system could easily by compared to French bureaucracy – and I'll probably be murdered for saying this – and it might even be a little bit worse…… Continue reading Trading in my TX license

Coming to America

Now wasn't that a cheesy 80s Eddie Murphy film? And now I've really set the tone for this whole blog. Well I'm writing this at the Air France gate @ Paris, Charles de Gaulle, Airport – it's early, I'm not feeling creative, and god knows who I'll end sitting next to on the plane. I…… Continue reading Coming to America