In a world of exploding choice, where technology and industrialisation mean that supply can vastly outstrip demand, social is really the only filter that works to get real answers to complex choices. A real life example from this week, that shows how much further we really have to go: a group of friends are visiting…… Continue reading Social By Design is the Only Filter
Category: New York
Who Comes to Making Digital Work?
I was flattered to receive the email invite to the upcoming BDW Making Digital Work workshop in Boulder, CO when I looked at some of the stats they were bringing up for attendees, it was great to see both the breadth of companies that have sent participants and also the record for Longest Distance Travelled…… Continue reading Who Comes to Making Digital Work?
Everyone needs skunkworks
In this day and age everyone, every company, every organization that believes in ideas needs skunkworks – not only agencies, but above all agencies since their whole business models relies on the creation of ideas. I have long been in awe of BBH Labs (@bbhlabs) founded by Mel Exon (@melex) and Ben Malbon (@malbonnington) in 2008;…… Continue reading Everyone needs skunkworks
Videos from Making Digital Work NY
For those following up on the BDW Workshop in New York, here you can see a post of the videos, the original post on the MDW NY Posterous at It was a pleasure to interact with and film so many talented people in NYC. I’m working on a couple of larger video projects cut…… Continue reading Videos from Making Digital Work NY
Learnings from Making Digital Work NY
The end of BDW’s Making Digital Work in New York and a chance to look back over the last couple of days and our take aways from the workshop. An amazing collection of speakers and great insights. So what have we learnt that we can take home to our agencies? The model for integration seems…… Continue reading Learnings from Making Digital Work NY
BDW Making Digital Work – Day 2, Afternoon
The afternoon session kicked off with Scott Prindle (@prindlescott) VP Creative technology at CP&B giving us real insight into the development of technology within the agency and the appearance (and importance) of the creative technologist. He told us that now at CP&B, 1/3 of their digital work is on mobile and them proportion is growing;…… Continue reading BDW Making Digital Work – Day 2, Afternoon
BDW Making Digital Work – Day 2, Morning
Day 2 of BDW’s Making Digital Work was as, if not more, insightful and interesting than the first. We began with a panel discussion with Ty Montague (Co-Founder of the Co-Collective @tmontague), John Windsor (Founder of crowdsourcing agency Victors & Spoils @jtwinsor), Ian Schafer (Founder of Engagement Agency DeepFocus @ischafer) & Edward Boches discussing the…… Continue reading BDW Making Digital Work – Day 2, Morning
BDW Making Digital Work – Day 1, Afternoon
The afternoon kicked off with Chloe Gottleib (@chloalo), ECD for interactive design at R/GA who talked to us about the shift from designing websites to digital eco-systems. She highlighted that digital is not a medium and that experience from one channel cannot simply be schmushed into another, that when the interface is badly designed, even…… Continue reading BDW Making Digital Work – Day 1, Afternoon
BDW Making Digital Work – Day 1, Morning
End of a great first day at BDW’s Making Digital Work at the Art Director’s Club in NY. It would be difficult to give a full recap of all the day’s speakers and insights, but a few choice elements that stuck in my mind from the day: We began with an intro from Edward Boches…… Continue reading BDW Making Digital Work – Day 1, Morning
Has ‘integration’ become a dirty word?
In the rush to evolve the skills of the advertising industry to keep up with an ever changing number of new media channels the buzzword for the last few years has been integration, bringing other skillsets and sometimes other agencies into the fold to deliver an integrated product – whether this was branding, digital or…… Continue reading Has ‘integration’ become a dirty word?