The afternoon session kicked off with Scott Prindle (@prindlescott) VP Creative technology at CP&B giving us real insight into the development of technology within the agency and the appearance (and importance) of the creative technologist. He told us that now at CP&B, 1/3 of their digital work is on mobile and them proportion is growing;…… Continue reading BDW Making Digital Work – Day 2, Afternoon
Tag: creative
When clients ask for bread, give them cake
Too often I hear account directors and those in client service complain that their clients are not ready, not mature enough or not open minded enough for us to deliver true integrated, multi-channel thinking against their briefs; and for this reason the briefs that are delivered to creative tend to be driven towards more traditional…… Continue reading When clients ask for bread, give them cake
Treating creatives like adults
For far too long this industry has treated creatives like the goose that lays the golden egg – a mysterious creature that must be locked away, waited on hand and foot, and generally treated like a jewel that must pandered to and protected. But times are changing. Times are changing both for the industry as…… Continue reading Treating creatives like adults
A fork in the road for advertising
I often find myself wondering how far the advertising invasion will go; dissatisfied with the shrinkage of traditional channels and the still unconfirmed power of the internet, we find that new ideas for advertising are popping up all over the place. Last week I found myself in a meeting with a new media company offering…… Continue reading A fork in the road for advertising
Can you afford not to crowd-test?
The media traction that the ‘new’ Gap logo is getting should surely be a lesson to all of us in testing, crowdsourcing, or both. It has been quite a while since we have seen a rebrand take up this much media coverage, and potentially this is because people feel strongly about it. Over the weekend…… Continue reading Can you afford not to crowd-test?
Packaging, content and delivery
Mark Zuckerberg is no Steve Jobs, and we probably knew that already. But for those of you that watched the livestream update from Facebook HQ last night (or yesterday afternoon, depending on where you were), and saw the recent Apple Keynote, or have ever seen Jobs present you will understand what I mean when I…… Continue reading Packaging, content and delivery
Mad Men, and the dying art of the account exec
The more I watch Mad Men, the more I compare it to our business today and start asking myself certain questions. Some have obvious answers like the role of women, the drinking and the smoking and the overall style of life, some are very amusing in how little the business has changed in the last…… Continue reading Mad Men, and the dying art of the account exec
Designing spaces for creativity
A very interesting conversation with my colleague Rena (@Renroon) yesterday got us looking at the different ways that workspaces are arranged and for what purpose. It got me thinking about the different models that I’ve experienced and their cultures since there is clearly work to be done in determining which model suits which culture best.…… Continue reading Designing spaces for creativity
It’s time to think (anew)
A very interesting piece by Charlie Lowe (@charliemlowe) at DTD today talking about the… …critical lack of resourceful and talented people in the world. and how this is particularly relevant to the advertising industry; and he makes a very valid point in that creative thinking and talented people tend to go hand in hand and as…… Continue reading It’s time to think (anew)
The ugly ratio of creative to media spend
In a new client meeting last week the subject of creative to media spend ratio came up and I almost fell off my chair. It’s not to say that this isn’t still quite a common element of agency-client conversation but the context was extraordinary. This is usually a topic that we see bandied about by…… Continue reading The ugly ratio of creative to media spend