A very interesting piece by Charlie Lowe (@charliemlowe) at DTD today talking about the…
…critical lack of resourceful and talented people in the world.
and how this is particularly relevant to the advertising industry; and he makes a very valid point in that creative thinking and talented people tend to go hand in hand and as the business grows, there are less and less of those around.
But I would potentially take the point even further in that in the new communication environment of ambiguity we need people to start thinking in a new way, in a way that can be described as channel planning or consumer centric. There are no models that can be applied today and we need to get a real understanding of what we are doing, for whom, and why before proposing any type of strategy, creative or media.
But the business is in a difficult position, as shrinking margins push salaries down and the brains are leaving to join the consulting business… is there a solution to get us thinking anew?
You can read Charlie’s post at http://blog.dtdigital.com.au/insight/post/it-s-time-to-think-anew_109/.