A new model for creativity, influence, brands and purchase… SHEIN

🐉 The hidden dragon in eCommerce SHEIN has made a step forward into new fashion brands — but this time, sourcing it from the #crowd.


As they launch a competition to create new fashion brands they are not only crowd-sourcing their new designs to give even greater breadth, but also touching a core target group.


The business that has started as a new global direct-to-consumer model for fast-fashion, growing at enormous pace, isnow about to leapfrog the ‘traditional’ marketplace to become a platform for creativity, production and fashion on a global scale. Software + influence + logistics is eating the world.


👗 A smart move that will not only turbo charge their global creativity but also their awareness amongst exactly the group they need as customers too. A virtuous circle of creativity and purchase, powered by #humanconnections and the rising star of #eCommerce#WatchThisSpace



By Lex Bradshaw-Zanger

A digital native and integrated brand marketer with a passion for marketing-communications and product design, Lex has a truly international outlook and experience, having worked both in major marketing agencies and client-side brands across Europe, the US and the Middle East.

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